While looking through our Google Alerts, we found numerous amounts of news about the continuation of the destruction of the rainforest and what is being done to prevent it. We found one website particularly important. On http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1157761.htm l , the story revolves around the monstrous company of Nestle. Nestle used to buy palm oil from Indonesia, but because of the extent of the rainforest destruction being caused, Nestle has vowed to look into the production of their products and halt any production that involved the destruction of the rainforest as the company is thoroughly concerned with the well being of the planet. They are continuing to search for new ways to bring delicious products to the stores, but now through “greener” means.
We also found a group called the Rainforest Alliance as well. The goal of the group is to create awareness as well as finding new ways to help this cause. We didn’t realize how big and truly international this cause was until looking at all the events. The Rainforest Alliance holds many events, and participates in several as well. The one in particular that caught our attention was a meeting held in Nuremberg Germany hosted by SusCon, the International Conference on Sustainable Business and Consumption. This so called Gala is going to be a huge event where they “will not only explore, but demonstrate the potential benefits and synergetic opportunities of biodiversity“ (http://www.suscon.net/default.asp?Menue=2). These meetings are very pertinent to finding new ways for businesses to gain resources without causing as much destruction to all of our truly valuable resources in the rainforest.
As our search continues for more information on our topic, several new stories appear every day about the importance of saving the rainforest.
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