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Friday, April 23, 2010

Solutions to Deforestation

Now that we have identified the reasons why we need to help save the rainforest, it is important to also see what is being done and can be done in our everyday lives to make a difference. Most of solutions are on a very small scale basis as it seems as if rainforest destruction does not affect us directly. One big solution is recycling. If everyone recycles, then the need to cut down more trees for logging would be unecessary. Also, it is important to pick foods and products that are eco-friendly as they come from reliable sources. While looking through the internet we found numerous amounts of websites that are dedicated to helping save the rainforest. These websites somehow found the power to 'save an acre' where a person registers and an acre of land is protected against deforestation for a certain amount of money. This is truly a great idea, but not many people know about this great opportunity. To imagine a mass movement to save the rainforest through buying acres would truly be amazing since companies really could not cut down the trees since they are owned. There are billions of people ain the world, and if we donated money to this cause, as a whole the impacts would be so immense. However, many people are oblivious to this huge problem.

The deforestation going on in the rainforests is something very distant from the general citizen. We believe the true issue is within the governments of the world since there are legal and even illegal companies working in the rainforest. The government needs to find alternative ways to provide for the consumers of this world in a way that does not inadvertantly hurt us. Because the rainforest is in another country, we as the United States can't take complete control as the 'peace makers' of the world, but rather work side by side with other countries since we are fighting to save this planet as a whole. Rainforest devastation is truly an issue that is hard to control and regulate since it is so far away, and that is why it keeps on happening. In order to make a difference everyone has to take a part and make a great effort to change things, however, it will take great focus and motivation that is currently hard to find.

We hope that in the coming years, bills and regulations will be set forth to help with the deforestation of the rainforest. Also, we hope that everyone who reads this blog will take into consideration the effects that will continually occur due to deforestation and will try to make eco-friendly decisions in the future.

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